Psychologists have long recognized the connection between our mental and physical states. Breathwork taps into this connection by using conscious breathing as a bridge. When we intentionally alter our breathing patterns, we actively influence our emotions and cognitions. the breath serves as both the vehicle and the measuring tool for the practice of awareness. Your breath directly affects your nervous system. it is physiologically impossible to be in a state of distress when the breath is smooth, calm, and regulated. Conscious breathing helps you navigate difficult thoughts, emotions, and experiences, creating the space to respond with intention and objectivity. This practice will help you achieve a state of calm and presence so you can engage more deeply with life. It will guide you to a deeper connection with your body, mind, and the world around you. the substitute is designed to heal, with nothing inside to hurt or harm you, just breathe.
emotivo | mentale | fisico
riduce lo stress
riduce la depressione
riduce l'ansia
aiuta la digestione
aiuta nel controllo del peso
favorisce il ringiovanimento cellulare
disintossica e rilascia le tossine
l'accessorio definitivo
allevia il dolore e la tensione
rilassa la mente
rilassa il corpo
rilassa il sistema nervoso
porta chiarezza
aumenta i livelli di energia
affina il sistema nervoso
migliora la qualità del sangue
aumenta la consapevolezza
aumenta la consapevolezza
migliora le abitudini del sonno
abbassa la pressione sanguigna
abbassa la frequenza cardiaca
rafforza i muscoli
sistema immunitario
massaggia gli organi
aumenta la resistenza
corregge la postura
conveniente, benefico e durevole
Whatever You Feel, Just Breathe
Life is unpredictable, but your ability to breathe through it is always in your hands. With The Substitute, you have a versatile and elegant tool to navigate emotions, sensations, and challenges—all with the power of mindful breathing.